Boing Boing

75-year old Swede can download a movie in two seconds

Sigbritt Lothberg of Stockholm has 40 gigabits-per-second fiber-optic Internet connection. It just might be the fastest residential connection on Earth.

In less than 2 seconds, Lothberg can download a full-length movie on her home computer – many thousand times faster than most residential connections… The speed is reached using a new modulation technique that allows the sending of data between two routers placed up to 1,240 miles apart, without any transponders in between…

The article says she uses her connection to read online newspapers, and nothing more.

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Reader comment:

Kris says:

Here is a newscast about the behemoth in question.
The creator, Peter Lothberg, is interwieved (in swedish) and we find out that the first thing he did after installing the huge contraption was to drive into town and purchase a computer to test it on, since his mom didn´t have one…

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