Boing Boing

Van Gogh's Starry Night, the Second Life sim

This piece of Second Life machinima documents a wonderful recreation of Van Gogh's Starry Night as an island in the virtual world:

What Robbie Dingo has done is something Akira Kurosawa only envisioned: brought Van Gogh's masterpiece to rich, three dimensional life, and for a brief moment, recast it as a living place. (Brief, for the construction was always intended as a temporary project, "so it's all been swept away now, leaving only the film behind.") But for a breathtaking moment (this is my favorite shot, above) you get to the most iconic of starry nights recast under the rising sun.

"One of the challenges was to make it look fluid and simple," Robbie tells me. "If I have got it right, then it should look like something that was thrown together very quickly, but in reality I worked on this in dribs and drabs over a number of evenings." He explains that painstaking process in further detail:


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