Boing Boing

Proud nerd tattoo of the day: "cryptozoology"

Link to larger size, Link to alternate shot. Brought to you by the generous iPhone snapping skills of r. stevens, creator of the Dieselsweeties webcomic.

We don't know who the dude with the excellent cryptotat is, but Mr. Stevens explains,

Granulac and I were in Canadia for the Toronto Comic Arts Festival this weekend and I caught this guy's tattoos as he was walking past our booth- didn't manage to get his name, but it was amazing to meet someone MORE into Coast to Coast AM, cryptozoology and the like than I am. My camera lost some screws and shattered in my pocket, but my Canadian-stroke-inducing iPhone did a pretty good job. Canadians are really, really, really jonesing for iPhones.

In other news, apparently it is illegal to levitate above a motorcycle within city limits.

More on his blog here: Link. All this and universal healthcare, too?

Update: Loren Coleman gives the cryptotat two prehensile thumbs up! Link.

John Maynard says,

I happen to know the identity of the fella with the cryptozoology tattoo. His name is Spencer Butts. He used to front a band here in Toronto called The Secret Handsnakes. He's also been an MC for the Wavelength Music Series. Here is his myspace.

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