Boing Boing

MySpace for Spies: A-Space

The Financial Times today reports on a planned social network for the U.S. intelligence community — a sort of MySpace for spooks, dubbed A-Space. Idle question: are users referred to as "a-holes"? Anyway, snip:

The Director of National Intelligence will open the site to the entire intelligence community in December. The move is the latest part of an ongoing effort to transform the analytical business following the failure to detect the 9/11 terrorist attacks or find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
(…)Underscoring the power of social-networking sites, the Central Intelligence Agency recently used Facebook to help boost applications for the national clandestine service.

Link to story. BoingBoing reader Brian says, "I immediately realized what the result of CIA agents adopting Facebook/MySpace culture would be: LOLspies!" Link.

Reader comment: Ted says,

Along the lines of the A-Space initiative, you might be interested to know that there has been an intelligence community wiki for about a year and a half now. It's known as Intellipedia. Interestingly enough, it's very much like Wikipedia: some topics are covered in exhaustive detail while others are frustratingly short. There is also a notable dearth of LOLcat related material.

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