Boing Boing

TigerDirect: check in any time you like, but no receipt? You can never leave.

Consumerist publishes a pretty wild first-person account from a guy who claims to have been forcibly detained and harassed by private security staff at electronics retailer TigerDirect. The shopper refused to show his receipt after his purchase. The security employee, an employee of Securitas, physically blocked the customer's exit and verbally abused him, according to the account. The customer called 911 and was released. No charges were filed.

Link (thanks, Mike Shea)

Update: Ben Popken at Consumerist says…

TigerDirect manager calls complainant to apologize, fire security guard, and pledge to retrain staff. TigerDirect EVP calls Consumerist to arrange for delivery of big batch of home-made FUD. The latter should take ethics lessons from the former. Link.

Alex Halavais says,

This is a follow-on to your TigerDirect story: a pdf of a brief statement you can hand to the guard who asks to see your receipt, making clear why you both will not show your receipt and how checking receipts is a bad business practice. Link.

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