Boing Boing

John K's Mighty Mouse cartoons (video)

John K (creator of The Ren and Stimpy Show) says: "I just started a new series of blog posts on the Bakshi Mighty Mouse cartoons we did.

"Every week (Thusday nights) I'm putting up a freshly packaged episode of The Bakshi Mighty Mouse Show I directed.

"I'm including funny bumpers and commercials that didn't appear with the show but should have, a throwback to the old directly sponsored age of TV."

This was my favorite of all the Bakshi Mighty Mouse episodes. It came out the closest to what I envisioned. There are many episodes that make me cringe. BTW, I have restored some scenes in this cartoon that were cut out way back when. They aren't in this copy, but you can see the cartoon uncut wherever I do a retrospective.


Previously on Boing Boing:

Interview with John Kricfalusi

bOING bOING interviews John K.

John Kricfalusi on the art of Milt Gross

Outline for John Kricfalusi's new cartoon

John K's animation for Weird Al's video

BB Digital Emporium: John K's "George Liquor Xmas" video

John K on the "Death of Form"

John K's drawing school

John K's storyboard for "Stimpy's Invention" episode

The $100000 animation drawing course (for only $8!)

Foolish Warner Bros. lawyers trying to clobber John K.

Jack Black Tenacious D video directed by John K

Ren & Stimpy: The Lost Episodes

John Kricfalusi has a blog

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