Boing Boing

Klingon Kama Sutra

If that Furries vs. Klingons bowling tournament ever happens, this might come in handy for the after-party! Not new, but full of instructional goodness. Snip:

A Klingon woman expects to be wooed with poetry, but the male should be prepared to duck. She will roar and fling heavy objects. Once the male has made some progress, she will claw at him. When she is prepared to mate, she will bite him on the face.

(…)Lesson Three: yIn DayajmeH 'oy' yISIQ To understand life, endure pain. For Klingons, pain is a spiritual test, and it can also be a celebration of life. Biting is an important part of Klingon mating, and a broken clavicle on the wedding night is considered a blessing upon the marriage.

Link, written by Spiletta 42. Sorta NSFW but mostly because you will be laughing too hard to be productive for the rest of the day.

Oh, and rrrrowr, the hottie in that photo can bite my face ANY TIME. (Thanks, Clayton Cubitt!)

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