Boing Boing

Steampunk's Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse

Magpie Killjoy sez, "We (SteamPunk Magazine and Strangers In A Tangled Wilderness) have just released 'A SteamPunk's Guide to the Apocalypse,' which is Creative Commons, of course, and freely downloadable from our website, as well as purchasable. It covers most of the essentials that a SteamPunk will need when they recreate their lives and societies in the shell of our soon-to-be-ruinous civilization."


Long now have we adapted our Bodies to a
Life devoid of Contamination, and it is quite possible
that we have grown soft therefrom. Dependant
upon Antibiotics instead of Antibodies, Sanitation
and Health will be of no small Importance in the
Decades to come, are we to survive.

This Chapter is remarkably incomplete, and
proper Care ought be taken by any concerned
SteamPunk–you among them–to seek out further


(Thanks, Magpie!)

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