Boing Boing

Short links roundup: Smores for Darfur

  • BB reader Derek points us to the snapshot above, and says "The state of political action at Yale today. I'm afraid this is serious. The text chalked on the sidewalk in front of Yale's main library says it all: 'Smores for Darfur, All You Can Eat $2.'"
  • In presumably unrelated news, Richard Stallman visits the Yale Political Union, hijinks ensue. Link.
  • People are filesharing the new Radiohead album anyway. Link. Many fans are irked about the MP3 compression rate: Link. Lefsetz has a righteous rant about that issue and others which cause many to believe the band kind of blew it here: Link. Idolatr concurs: Link. Anyway, here are some fan-made alternative album covers for "In Rainbows": Link.
  • Historical ecology: Yucatan jungles are actually feral Mayan gardens. Link.
  • Here's a music video from the late '90s featuring human/robot interspecies sex. NSFW, animated. Link.
  • John White, the photographer who claims ownership of the "O RLY owl" photo, is mad at webcomic artist Jeffrey Rowland, for adapting that now-ubiquitous internet meme as part of an "internet ouijah board." Link.
  • Silver-and-blue nudibranch (undersea critter) is about the size of a quarter and attacks Portuguese men-of-war. Looks like an overeager Dallas Cowboys fan. Link.
  • San Fernando Valley guy triumphs over gridlock freeway traffic by kayaking to work 52 miles downstream on the L.A. River. Link.
  • Andy Riley, who has been chronicling "bunny suicides" for years online, has a new book out. Link to preview.
  • Portfolio, the relatively new biz mag from Conde Nast, has a story out on YouTube vs. Porn Valley. Link. Susannah Breslin has a post about it here: Link.
  • "Two elephants at the Chiang Mai Night Safari have died from flatulence, possibly from eating insecticide-contaminated grass, veterinarians said." Link.
  • Greepeace uses Google Maps to track hunted whales: Link.
  • Ape Lad draws the 300th Laugh Out Loud cat episode. Itz a thing of byooty. Let me show u it. Link.
  • (Thanks, Keith Putnam, Dave Walsh, Dennis, Andrew, Alexis, Marilyn Terrell, Gabrielle, Geo Lobo, Domi, Partha, Susannah Breslin, Henrik)

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