Designers Irene Pereyra and Tom Klinkowstein recently exhibited their wall-sized digram called "A Day in the Life of a Networked Designer's Smart Things or A Day in a Designer's Networked Smart Things, 2030." The map not only presents a narrative of how a designer "gets things done with the help of all her smart things" but at a higher level also seems to hint at how we may deal with mass amounts of information in the future. My Institute for the Future colleague Anthony Townsend saw the project in person and wrote a bit about it at the Future Now blog:
It's like reading the log file of a sensor-laden person. It seems also to be a potential inspiration for user interfaces to the vast amounts of personal data and media we'll throw off in the future… Finally, there is a fractal quality to this map that's really useful – big themes and events pop out at you, but you can zoom into the excruciating detail at will.
Link to Future Now, Link to PDF of "A Day in the Life…" diagram