Boing Boing

Today on <I>Boing Boing Gadgets</i>


Today on Boing Boing Gadgets, we saw this kickass "Power House" sustainable living project set, a vacuum that knows optimal suck, two little niggles with Facebook and Rock Band, candy mistaken for drugs, a knock-off Chinese Wii sold by infomercial, a mechanical espresso maker of dubious report, drankable aurt, a somber game-as-art blip, the "God-Cleaner" foot bath, an inflatable massage chair, a nice deal on a decent LCD dock for iPod, a wrapping paper cutter, a boring camera with an interesting way to suck power from lamps, a hand-cranked drill, an ugly watch, a risque video teaching us how Polish fantasy heroes sex up forest sprites, Verizon's plans to do a dual-mode GSM/CDMA phone, MAKE's open-source hardware guide, a vintage cork bathing suit, and a new LifeStraw. And deals.

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