Boing Boing

Tim Burton to direct Alice in Wonderland

Tim Burton's directing a film adaptation of Alice in Wonderland. Alice is the first book I ever read to myself and I've never fallen out of love with it. The Burton adaptation will feature live action and animation — though it probably won't be half as weird as this Czech surrealist adaptation featuring taxidermied animal skeletons in stop-motion animation.

Burton will also produce the adaptation, which will use both live action and performance-capture animation.

"The stories are like drugs for children, you know?" Burton said. "It's like, 'Whoa, man.' The imagery, they've never quite nailed making it compelling as a full story. So I think it's an interesting challenge to direct."

Filming on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is set to begin in early 2008. Burton will work from a script by Linda Woolverton (Beauty and the Beast)


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