Boing Boing

Today on <I>Boing Boing Gadgets</i>


Today on Boing Boing Gadgets we look at this lozenge-shaped three-wheeled car from '70s Nebraska, wireless tasers that fit inside shotgun shells, why I'm no fun at parties, a tiny EVDO to Wi-Fi bridge that has a battery, a concept vase that also dries your flowers, a way to make logs from newspaper, a mixer blade that saves all your dough, the latest in in-car sex toys, an acorn-shaped MP3 player, a ridiculously large gag MP3 player, effulgent dekochari bicycles, a cord that pretends it's a lamp, G4's floppy disk invite, anthromorphosized bacterial figurines based on the "Tales of Agriculture" manga series, the best rechargeable battery kits (according to you guys), a cheap Chinese steampunk webcam, and the Gomboc, a self-righting shape being sold for insultingly large amounts of cash. Cash you'd be better off saving for good deals.

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