Boing Boing

Fox helps itself to photo of blogger's dog

Sweetney blogger Tracey Gaughran-Perez and her husband were surprised to see a photo of their dog, Truman, appear in Fox's "Happy Holiday" ticker during a football game. According to Gaughran-Perez, someone from Fox yanked a photo (far left) of Truman in a Santa suit from her blog or Flickr stream, Photoshopped in a hat, and inserted the image (left) into their holiday promotion graphic rotation. Gaughgran-Perez is quite peeved. Truman couldn't be reached for comment. From Gaughran-Perez's post on the matter:

What really, REALLY sticks in my craw is that following all this I was forced not only to sit through several more hours of football just to make certain they didn't show the image again (yes, please shower me with your pity), but I also had to endure the endless tape-loop of FOX's NFL copyright warnings, which seemed to repeat every five minutes or so. Hilariously enough, FOX Broadcasting and the NFL are apparently very, very concerned about legal rights to their telecasts and rebroadcasts of their telecasts. They're concerned about — ho ho, it's rich — PEOPLE STEALING THEIR SHIT. But as far as them stealing other people's shit goes? Errm, not so much.


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