Bootie sez, "Best of Bootie 2007 released today! The best mashups of 2007 selected by Adrian & the Mysterious D, producers of the world's biggest mashup club night. Enjoy Boing Boing. I *think* we have the bandwidth to sustain a hit by you THIS year! (unlike last year, and the year before!) We have more bandwidth than ever… let's do it!"
There were two absolute standout tracks on this one for me: Go Home Productions – Passenger Fever (Peggy Lee vs. Iggy Pop) and Divide & Kreate – Illiterate City (Jackson 5 vs. Guns N' Roses). Both tracks started with really kicky pop songs in very different styles and from very different eras, found their common ground, and exploited it in a way that made my mind ache in a good way.
(Thanks, Bootie!)