Boing Boing

Mary Blair calendar from 1955


Mary Blair is one of my all-time favorite illustrators, so I'm happy that Dan Goodsell scanned a 1955 Meadow Gold calendar by Blair and put it on Flickr.

Mary Blair did a lot of work for Disney as a concept artist for animation and theme park attractions. Animation historian John Canemaker wrote a book about her in 2003, The Art And Flair Of Mary Blair.

By the way, Dan Goodsell is a fine illustartor in his own right, and is having an art opening, "Mr Toast and Friends Show" at Monkeyhouse Toys in Silverlake on March 1st.


Previously on Boing Boing:

Mary Blair exhibition in San Francisco

Papercraft iPod covers

It's "Mary Blair Week" at the ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Archive blog

The art of Mary "Small World" Blair

Mary Blair "Small World" designs

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