Boing Boing

Recently on <i>Boing Boing Gadgets</i>


Recently on Boing Boing Gadgets I popped open the Heineken BeerTender for a look (video review, including drunken hair clipper work, coming shortly), ran an older interview with Gary Gygax who passed away this week (and posted his "Random Harlot Encounter Table"), got the first look at the new "Lego Collector" catalog coming out later this year, asked everyone to help me plan a week of blogging in the woods, saw a man play a Legend of Zelda song on a carrot ocarina, took a peek at iRobot's robot wi-fi access points for the military, questioned the merit of a negative-ion-producing notebook computer, noticed that Apple and Nike are adding iPod stats tracking for cardio machines, got prepped to enjoy Slurm in real life, looked at a concept phone that would be recycled each year, saw this generation's "Hit Stix" (and the amplifier, too), said that the Renault Megane has beautiful doors that will never make it to production, saw an expensive but high-fidelity haptic interface that uses electromagnetic toruses, were impressed with a PC case that was all heat sink, applauded's Gygax tribute, noticed that a company is selling tiny guns and grenades for LEGO minifigs, found a keyring that inflates when submerged, as well as a device for cramming limes into beer bottles. Oh, and sea cucumbers and their sexy peristaltic wriggle inspired the creation of space age plastics. Finally, I asked if the iPhone could make a killer gaming platform, especially for experimental and indie games. (Spoiler: Duh.)

I'm off in the morning for SXSWi, so lock up your sea cucumbers and gird yourself for the worst haircut in blogging.

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