Boing Boing

Brain Fitness Software Market report

Brain fitness pioneers SharpBrains has released its first report on the emerging Brain Fitness Software Market. Now, this report doesn't delve into futuristic aug/cog tech like new memory drugs or implants. Instead, SharpBrains focuses on the state-of-the-art in software-based systems that can be used to improve your mental skills, from emWave's biofeedback devices to brain-training games like Brain Age and Lumosity. The full report is pricey, but quite a few interesting tidbits are available online. From SharpBrains:

1) 2007 was a seminal year for the US Brain Fitness software market, which reached $225 million in revenues – up from an estimated $100 million in 2005…

5) Over 400 residential facilities for older adults have launched computerized "brain fitness centers." Sales to the healthcare and insurance provider segment grew from $35 million in 2005 to an estimated $65 million in 2007…

6) More than five programs have shown results in randomized controlled trials. Cognitive functions that can be trained include: visual and auditory processing, working memory, attention, and decision-making.


Previously on BB:
• Debate around brain enhancement drugs Link
• Mind gyms for cognitive fitness Link

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