Boing Boing

HOWTO Mod a Leatherman to add a punchdown tool

Instructables's Bluebomb modded the slot-screwdriver head on this Leatherman tool to turn it into a sysadmin's punchdown tool to help with network wiring jobs.

Something that I always have at my side, is my Leatherman Wave. It has all kinds of tools that can help out at a moments notice except for one, a punchdown tool! As a system admin, sometimes I have the need to terminate a keystone jack or punchdown block and I don't have room in my pocket to carry a real punchdown tool with me everywhere I go. Now with this quick mod, I can! Everyone that has a Wave knows about the "large screwdriver" aka "pry-bar." I never understood it's true meaning since you already have four different screwdrivers to choose from. Now you can ditch that and have a nice useful punchdown tool.


(via Make)

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