Boing Boing

Jaime Hernandez interview


Nik Mercer says: I thought you BB guys would like this Q&A I — along with another Anthem Online writer — did with [Love and Rockets co-creator] Jaime Hernandez.

How do you feel about the characters you've created? Is there anything you wish you had done differently with them?

I think I would have had some of them settle down and create families at an earlier stage in their lives. It sounds corny, but that's what a lot of people do eventually, even the deranged ones.

Aside from Maggie and Hopey, what character or characters are you most proud of? Which ones are the easiest to work with and why?

I really love two of my newer characters, Angel of Tarzana (above) and Vivian the Frogmouth. Vivian I can write blindfolded. Her sassy, spontaneous, obnoxious, difficult, sort of loser type of character has nothing to lose and those are always the easiest and funnest to write. Angel is easy to write as well, but on a different level. In her case, I needed someone more agreeable and supportive. Sort of like a Maggie that is more physically able.


Previously on Boing Boing:

Jaime Hernandez's poster for Bob Dylan

Mark interviews Love and Rockets' co-creator Jaime Hernandez

Jaime Hernandez interviewed

The Comics Journal interviews Jaime Hernandez

Very long NYT magazine article about "serious" comic books

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