Boing Boing

How mortgage-derviatives tanked the economy

Writing in the NYT, David Leonhardt has a good primer explaining the exotic, sleazy economic shenanigans that turned some bum mortgage loans into a multi-hundreds-of-trillions-of-dollars toxic bubble that threatens the planetary economy:

Investors then goosed their returns through leverage, the oldest strategy around. They made $100 million bets with only $1 million of their own money and $99 million in debt. If the value of the investment rose to just $101 million, the investors would double their money. Home buyers did the same thing, by putting little money down on new houses, notes Mark Zandi of Moody's The Fed under Alan Greenspan helped make it all possible, sharply reducing interest rates, to prevent a double-dip recession after the technology bust of 2000, and then keeping them low for several years…

Many of these bets were not huge, but were so highly leveraged that any losses became magnified. If that $100 million investment I described above were to lose just $1 million of its value, the investor who put up only $1 million would lose everything.


(via The Consumerist

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