Tunisian vloggers' political remixes / Ethan Zuckerman

Today on Boing Boing tv, a conversation with Ethan Zuckerman, co-founder of Global Voices, about videoblogging culture in the North African nation of Tunisia.

Despite intense restrictions on freedom of speech there, and extreme risks for critics of the political status quo, bloggers there are finding innovative uses for video online, as a method of cultural commentary and activism. Using tools like Tor and SipPhone to ensure anonymity, they have proven themselves to be several steps ahead of their US counterparts — as evidenced by a story Zuckerman shares about an Apple ad remix.

Link to Boing Boing tv post, with discussion, related links, and downloadable video.

Related previous Boing Boing posts:

  • Tunisia jails, reportedly tortures popular blogger and online journo
  • Liveblogging WSIS in Tunisia, continued.
  • Liveblogging WSIS in Tunisia, continued.
  • Report: Journalists, others at WSIS attacked by authorities
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