Boing Boing

Rob Beschizza and John Brownlee join Boing Boing Gadgets!

 Gimages Editors

When Joel Johnson joined us last year to launch Boing Boing Gadgets, we all knew that it was a perfect genetic match. Now, Joel has fast-tracked BBG's evolution, bringing in fresh mutant DNA in the form of Rob Beschizza and John Brownlee. I've been privy to fleeting glimpses of what these three freaks have in mind for BBG and it is, well, wonderful (and strange, and funny, and biting, and brilliant.) Welcome Rob and John to the Happy Mutant family! Gooble gobble! We accept you! Gooble gobble! We accept you! From Joel's post:

Our mission remains the same meandering trajectory: share with you the things we find interesting – and lambast the things we find tedious, wasteful, or poorly crafted. We're going to be experimenting with lots of ideas, some of which may actually turn out to be good. We also will continue to find ways to engage the community that has grown up around Boing Boing, not as some bullet point on a "Things to do on a website" list, but because collectively – often individually! – you guys are smarter and more knowledgeable than we are.


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