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Children's book about plastic surgery

 Productimages Mommy-Cover

My Beautiful Mommy is a new kids book about plastic surgery. It was written by Michael Salzhauer, a plastic surgeon in Bal Harbour, Florida. Salzhauer says he came up with the idea to help parents explain cosmetic procedures to their children. From Newsweek:

"My Beautiful Mommy" is aimed at kids ages four to seven and features a plastic surgeon named Dr. Michael (a musclebound superhero type) and a girl whose mother gets a tummy tuck, a nose job and breast implants. Before her surgery the mom explains that she is getting a smaller tummy: "You see, as I got older, my body stretched and I couldn't fit into my clothes anymore. Dr. Michael is going to help fix that and make me feel better." Mom comes home looking like a slightly bruised Barbie doll with demure bandages on her nose and around her waist.

The text doesn't mention the breast augmentation, but the illustrations intentionally show Mom's breasts to be fuller and higher. "I tried to skirt that issue in the text itself," says Salzhauer. "The tummy lends itself to an easy explanation to the children: extra skin and can't fit into your clothes. The breasts might be a stretch for a six-year-old."


UPDATE: As our eagle eyed community manager Teresa Nielsen Hayden points out in the comments, My Beautiful Mommy is actually a self-published book and not likely to see wide distribution. That said, I still think it's a notable artifact. Dr. Michael Salzhauer clearly spent a great deal of time and effort on this unusual project and that, in itself, is interesting enough for me. But for a more balanced view of the shitstorm started by Newsweek and fanned by folks like me, I encourage you to read Teresa's post on the subject at Making Light. Link

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