Boing Boing

Wall Street Journal: robot pets vs. bio pets

We've posted previously about the turfwars that can develop between pets and home robots. Today's Wall Street Journal surveys the battleground in a feature titled "When Dogs and Robots Collide, Somebody Needs A Talking To." From the WSJ:

According to Daphna Nachminovitch of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, introducing robots into a pet household should be done with care. "There's no way to explain to them that this is not a threat," she says…

Sympathetic owners sometimes just retire their new purchases. In other cases, the pets take matters into their own paws. Peter Haney, a university administrator in Lethbridge, Alberta, twice found his Roomba in pieces after letting it clean while his flat-coated retrievers, Macleod and Tima, had the run of the house. "No one is talking," he says…

"It comes up constantly," says Nancy Dussault Smith, a spokeswoman for iRobot Corp., in Bedford, Mass., which makes the Roomba. "Dogs, cats, all animals, they have their own personalities, so they all react differently to the robots."

IRobot tested its Roomba designs with pets, she added, incorporating safety measures in the motorized disc-shaped cleaner such as automatic deactivation when it is flipped over or sat on.

Link (Thanks, Carlo Longino!)

Previously on BB:
• Dog bits AIBO Link
• Real dogs teased with toy dog Link
• Killing a Pleo robotic dinosaur — video Link

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