Boing Boing

Today on <i>Boing Boing Gadgets</i>


Today at Boing Boing Gadgets we tightened up the graphics; looked at two new Mobile Internet Devices; drooled over a better ice cream scoop; and wondered why on earth someone would use a tablet PC as a hammer.

Rob took a look at leaked photos of the Lenovo X200 ultraportable, John dissected a doll, and Joel saw a review of in-flight Wifi, and imagined living in a LEGO rendition of Le Corbusier's Villa Savoye.

We discovered that women quit IT careers for
the obvious reasons; that grandfather clocks can be made of old bicycle parts; that the Asus EeePC 1000h is good but expensive; and that a Doggie IQ test is now available.

The horror of the day was a The Birds Barbie doll getting her eyes pecked out; the corresponding wonder was a 'HD for Kids!' coloring book that encourages kids to stare at shiny lights in a mirror until they start to hallucinate! You can also teach them about love and money with a tamagotchi-style piggy bank that rewards saving with virtual romance.

Good news for DRM victims: Microsoft deigned to leave their song-activation server open until 2011. But beware the Non-Euclidean Sharks! The only thing that can harm them is Fake Ian Holm's umbrella.

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