Boing Boing

Cicada jewelry

Two high-school crafters on Cape Cod, Katheryn Maloney and Brady Cullinan, are making jewelry out of the ubiquitous remains of the local 17-year cicadas, who did their thing this year:

Yesterday, amid the tents of baked goods and vegetables at the Sandwich Farmers Market at Oakcrest Cove Field off Quaker Meetinghouse Road, their table featured earrings and necklaces made with colored beads, sea glass and dead bugs.

The business partners, both 17, residents of Sandwich and seniors at Sandwich High School, crafted the dainty pieces from the bodies of the insects that have covered areas of the Cape this summer for the first time in 17 years.

(Thanks, Andrew!)

(Image ganked from Cape Cod Times/Merrily Lunsford — original here)

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