Boing Boing

BBtv – TCHO Chocolate, part 2: magical machines, mysterious molecules.

Today on Boing Boing tv, Xeni and Pesco dive deeper into the magical chocolate factory founded by a NASA software developer.

In this installment of BBtv's 3-part series on TCHO Chocolate, we learn more about the hacked-together, home-tinkered machines and high-tech wizardry that keep the factory running. The philosophy is "scrappy, not crappy," as founder Timothy Childs explains.

TCHO's R&D lab contains such diverse components as Space Shuttle tape, a modded RONCO turkey oven, stone grinders used in Indian restaurants, and deconstructed space heater parts from the local hardware store.

Next, we zoom in to the molecular-level science behind this most delicious confection. Science buffs, rejoice! This episode is as fun for your eyes and brain as the "obsessively good" chocolate is for your mouth — Polymorph fun for the whole family. Warning: this episode is NSFC (not safe for chocoholics).

Link to Boing Boing tv post with viewer discussion, downloadable video, and instructions on how to get BBtv video through subscription tools like iTunes or Miro every day.

Previously on Boing Boing tv:

  • TCHO, part 1: chocolate origins.

    Related: read a feature about TCHO by David Pescovitz in the current issue of MAKE Magazine, Timothy and the Chocolate Factory.

    Here are some iPhone snapshots from Xeni on Flickr: TCHO, Boing Boing tv.

    (Special thanks to Amy Critchett, and Wayne & Breanna)

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