Boing Boing

Drawings of a chicken as it grows up

 Kip Wp-Content Uploads 2007 10 Dag6

Mieke Roth, a professional science illustrator, keeps chickens. For fun, she decided to make a single drawing every day of a single chicken as it grew up over a couple months. From her project page:

Since this is undoable if I work like I do for my other pen and ink drawings, I have given myself a maximum amount of time I can spend on it: one hour. I don't use real pen and ink, but the pen and ink equivalent in Painter combined with my Cintiq.

A nice surprise is that I don't know how this specific chicken will turn out: it is a third generation crossbreed of my Breda fowl and Silki Bantams.

Little chicken growing up! (, via Drawn!)

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