New paintings by Stella Im Hultberg

Stella Im Hultberg has a new show of her exquisite paintings opening Friday at Thinkspace Gallery in Los Angeles. Previously, Hultberg's media-of-choice have been ink and watercolors on tea-stained paper. These new pieces are oil on canvas. The show runs through September 5. Thinkspace has posted a sneak preview on Flickr of the new paintings and Hultberg's studio. From her artist statement:


After several weeks of travel throughout her mother country of Korea and Japan, she got to thinking of her roots, but not just her own, but those of all people. The web that is created by the roots made in relations to other people, society and culture as a whole. The differences between us all, the connections, the elation we all share, as well as the comfort and disappointments that come with all relationships we hold dear…

By exploring the darker side of relationships in Raveled, Hultberg is aiming to explore the side of human nature that is suppressed or unspoken in most people.

Stella Im Hultberg, Raveled (Thinkspace), Sneak Peek: Raveled by Stella Im Hultberg (Flickr)

Previously on BB:
Stella Im Hultberg's beautiful drawings