Boing Boing

Radiohead to webcast show live from Santa Barbara tonight (updated)

Above, a short experimental video by Thom Yorke. More please.

A little bird tells us that Radiohead are planning some kind of webcast from tonight's show in Santa Barbara, the last date <snif> on their North American tour. I saw them at Outside Lands in San Francisco on Aug 22, and the show was absolutely phenomenal.

More on, sort of. Update: confirmed, more here. (thanks, Rex!)

Incidentally — some noodling around on the band's blog digs up an older pro-net neutrality item from Colin Greenwood: "We didn't put In Rainbows out on the internet so that the next time AT&T would be releasing our music." Word.

Related: Sean Carlson was distributing flyers with a pal for this weekend's F Yeah Fest at the Radiohead Hollywood Bowl show, which I also hear was kickass. Sean's friend Michael Reich of was filming Sean and his friend for a documentary. Carlson says he was beaten up by goons from security firm CSC, contracted by the Hollywood Bowl. Here are photos and an account of the incident.

[A]fter Sean was pushed to the ground by a security guard, they decided to get out of there. But before they could get too far, a foot chase ensued because the security guards allegedly said "that shit's going to be on YouTube. We gotta get that tape."

(Thanks, Zach Behrens)

Update 2, 9:17pm PT: The webcast is live at, and working very well on this Mac, snapshots below.

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