Boing Boing

Book of breast-like objects

 Crblog Wp-Content Uploads 2008 09 Davidson1

Tony Davidson, a creative director at ad agency Wieden + Kennedy, has a one-track mind. And apparently so do many other people. He's collected photographs of objects from around the world in a new book titled just that: One-Track Mind. From Creative Review:

Some of the pictures are obvious – two fried eggs make an appearance – but many are so subtle, to the untrained eye at least, that they require real scrutiny. It is this that stops the book falling into being yet another sexist cliche, and is likely to make you look at your surroundings in a new light…

After deciding to make the book, Davidson began searching for breasts in earnest, and got many friends in on the act, whose photographs also appear in the book. He also decided to interview men about their opinions on this part of the female form and these quotes are used, with comedic effect, alongside the images.

One-Track Mind book (CR Blog)

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