Boing Boing

Gay fashion is the new straight fashion in "the hood"?

My friends at Youth Radio have just produced another thought-provoking radio commentary in their fantastic "What's The New What" series. In this episode, Anthony Waters says that "gay fashion is the new straight fashion… in ghetto neighborhoods." From Anthony's commentary:

I wouldn't be caught dead wearing the white T look. I'm all about big shiny sunglasses, sparkling necklaces, tight legged jeans…and this cute shirt I spotted at one of my favorite stories: DD's Discounts.

The straight boys who used to whisper about me on the bus haven't discovered DD's yet, but they are jacking my style. It all started when artists like Kanye West, Pherrell, and Cam'ron showed up on the TV screen, suited and booted in outfits I would have picked out in middle school. Now my uber-macho nephew, AR, is raiding my closet.

MP3: What's The New What? Gay Fashion is the New Straight Fashion (Youth Radio), Transcript (What's The New What? blog, thanks Lissa Soep!)

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