Boing Boing

PingMag interviws Lullatone


PingMag, the Tokyo-based magazine about "Design and Making Things" has an interview with a delightful musical duo, Lullatone.

Lullatone are a musical duo based in Nagoya comprised of the husband and wife team of Shawn James Seymour and Yoshimi Tomida. They make sweet, sleepy, sine-wave-riddled songs with whispered lyrics, poppy melodies, and parse, carefully arranged beats. The Lullas utilise children's instruments, splashing water, household sounds, and electronic sounds to craft their delightful songs for young and old. From the visual side, they make all of their clips by themselves – a delightful mix of film, stop-motion animation, and video that syncs nicely with their hypnotic, dreamy live shows.

Lullatone: Catch the Bedtime Beat!

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