Boing Boing

NASA astronauts answer questions from on board the Space Station via YouTube

In this very cool science video series on YouTube, NASA astronauts on the International Space Station answer questions from on board the space station via YouTube. Astronaut Greg Chamitoff, who is currently 220 miles above Earth, is the guy answering questions from people on — as he puts it — "beautiful planet Earth."

According to the description: "Post a video response to this video or visit and submit a question there. Chamitoff's schedule will not allow him to answer many questions, but he will attempt to answer a few each week."

This being YouTube, one of the first questions was about hallucinations.

Stephan Hinz, 38, from Germany asks: I would like to know if you experience any kind of sensory dysfunctions or hallucinations, maybe like little flashes "seen" with closed eyes caused by high energy cosmic radiation?

Now tell me that's not an awesome use of online video. (thanks, Mark Day!)

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