Boing Boing

Today at <em>Boing Boing Gadgets</em>


Today at Boing Boing Gadgets, there was a Spy Calculator; a wooden safe like something from Myst; a giant ball made of vinyl records; a rugged handheld computer from Motorola; and a bizarre marble-spitting automaton.

John saw a toilet in the shape of a pipe; an ingenious Russian iPhone scam; and what can only be described as a Tamagotchi with a glory hole. He has a tank with a gothic church on top of it.

Poor-quality photos revealed what might well be the new MacBrick Pro, the RAZR maintained its lead as most popular cellphone over you-know-what; and the Welsh police are tasing sheep. Baastards!

Rob donned a Pac Man Hoodie; rode a plush robot dinosaur; spotted a $550 wooden USB thumbdrive; and heard a Fisher Price doll assert that Islam is the Light.

We covered a lot of BlackBerry Storm stuff, but most fun was an apparently-official ad with the iPhone's operating system pasted in. Speaking of iThings, Woz says the iPod's time will be up sooner than we know it.

There was an unpleasant epilator; a novelty teapot in the shape of an alien spaceship; a zombie apocalypse in Lego; and a MAME cocktail cabinet made of an old iMac. Game on!

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