Boing Boing

Today on <i>Boing Boing Gadgets</i>


Today at Boing Boing Gadgets, the morning started with the shrill tintinnabulation of a green tea telephone, which we profusely stabbed with a handy philips head.

That accomplished, dived into the techno-flotsam: Beschizza claimed to have a thousand uses for a pocket LED scroller, yet cited none. We looked at a fake electro-cigar for cyborg cigar aficionados, and then dug into our breakfast with LEGO fork and spork.

Realish news: the 360 may get Blu-Ray and the new Nintendo DSi will get more RAM. Brownlee revealed his lack of foresight by oggling some L-bent HDMI cables, and admired a Portal-style oviposited recycling egg.

Tron? It really happened! Toy Story's creepy baby doll robot spiders crawl all over you. A backseat car window becomes a kick-ass SHMUP. And Disney's latest DVD release contains a 120 page EULA.

Joel looked at a swank calculator made in a video game and reviewed the iPhone's surprisingly wonderful arcade RTS, Galcon. We learned that there may well be an $800 laptop announced by Apple at its October 14th notebook event, and Rob crunched some numbers, proving its physical dimensions.

And finally, an egregious lapse in geek cred: Joel "Rainbow" Johnson has never seen Aliens.

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