Boing Boing

Today at <em>Boing Boing Gadgets</em>


Today at Boing Boing Gadgets, we worshipped the Pantone Rubik's cube and welcomed guest reviewer Alan Graham of Treehugger, who took a look at a new home music system from Sonos.

John found a rainbow keyboard, a review of Guitar Hero: World Tour, and the rumored motherboard for the rumored Mac Mini II. He thought the Gameboy theme for iPhone was fantastic, and 3-inch figurine speakers, too.

He liked liquid bookmarks, saw an icky transparent mouse with an insect in it, depressurized his head with the Ear Pressure Equalizer, and pronounced the final death for VCR.

Rob offered more on Lutec's inelegant perpetual motion machine, listened to unpleasant feedback music, and liked the look of UltraPin virtual pinball. He didn't think much of Blu-ray firmware upgrade nonsense or the stylings of Dell's new Optiplexes. Nor did he drop his cellphone down the toilet and get his arm stuck trying to fish it out.

Joel had an exclusive on Windows 7 screenshots that lasted about 40 seconds. Finally, there was a sinister science poster and the footage rotoscoped for Jordan Mechner's original Prince of Persia.

Boing Boing Gadgets

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