Boing Boing

Video The Vote

Founded two years ago by Ian Inaba of Guerrilla News Network, John Ennis of Shoot First, Inc., and James Rucker of, Video the Vote seeks to ensure "timely, complete, and accurate reporting of voter suppression and election irregularities by organizing citizen journalists to document elections and then using their footage to raise awareness about the ongoing challenges facing American voters." More:

Video the Vote operates through a simple three-step process.

1. Volunteers sign up online, giving us their email address, cell phone number, and video proficiency.
2. On election day, voters call in to national hotlines to report problems at the polls, Video the Vote dispatches our volunteers to get the story.We also obtain footage from roving videographers who are documenting the election process in their communities.
3. Volunteers then upload their footage to our web site where it is available for immediate viewing by the media and the public.

(Thanks, Melanie Cornwell)

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