South Attleboro, MA — home of the brightest, most sympathetic city employees in the whole town!
South Attleboro resident Eileen Wilbur's bill from the city is for one penny.
The city sent Wilbur a letter dated Nov. 10 stating that if the 1 cent balance is not paid by Dec. 10, the city will assess a lien of up to $48 on Wilbur's next property tax bill.
"They wasted taxpayer money on the letter," Wilbur said, noting the 42-cent charge for a stamp.
City Collector Debora Marcoccio said the bill was sent out along with more than 2,000 others as the city tries to recoup outstanding balances before resorting to putting liens on property.
A computer automatically printed the letters for any account with a balance remaining, and they were not reviewed by staff before being sent out, Marcoccio said.
"It would be fiscally irresponsible for me to have staff weed through the bills and pull out any below a certain amount," Marcoccio said. " And what would that amount be?"
City wants her cent (Via The Agitator)