President-elect Obama wants to get rid of daylight saving time in the United States to conserve energy.
Turns out, according to two academics on the NYT Op-Ed page, there is little scientific proof that this reduces energy consumption. It also turns out that this practice could be wasteful, a bit annoying, and a lot of people, including Obama, want to get rid of it.
A study in Indiana, a state that recently started DST, showed an overall increase of 1 percent in residential electricity use with occasional increases of 2 to 4 percent in late spring and early fall. So much for conserving energy.
I hate DST. It throws me and my kids out of whack for a couple of days. I hope Obama gets rid of it. too.
UPDATE: Travis Cole says:
Your post is missleading since it suggests Obama want's to get rid of DST. I wish he would, but I can't find anyi reference to him saying that.
Unfortunately your source didn't read the original NY Times article very carefully, but they have now updated it to better reflect reality.
The Op-Ed only said Obama *should* axe DST since that fits his goal of saving energy.