Boing Boing

Today at <em>Boing Boing Gadgets</em>

colby2.jpgToday at Boing Boing Gadgets, we told stories.

John recounted how he was a pre-teen Christian supercomputer:

Ever since I was ten, Colby has been a part of me, like a small, sentient circuit board lodged in my brain. He wasn't always like this. When I first met him, he was autonomous: a Moloch Machine, a literal deus ex.

Beneath the brim of his red baseball cap, unblinking eyes bulbously stared, plunged, hypnotized.

Joel looked back to when he interviewed Bill Gates:

As CES 2005 rolled around, it was clear that Gizmodo was losing the gadget blog war. … I was ready to lose, though. Although I had been running Gizmodo for less than a year I was already about to burn out.

As I leaned back into the fake leather seat, my phone rang.

"Hey, Joel? It's Larry Cohen from Microsoft. I know it's sort of last second, but would you be interested in interviewing Bill Gates at CES?"

Rob remembered finding a computer, a motorcycle and a giant pig in a forest clearing near Worthing, England.

A few feet away was a TRS-80 Model 100 portable computer, half-hidden by the ivy. … The display glowed green in the dark. But this was the mid-1980s: one did not simply run into portable computers in the middle of the woods.

Don't miss the time a friend of John's met Steve Jobs—and his formidable temper.

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