Boing Boing

Today on <em>Boing Boing Gadgets</em>

Today on Boing Boing Gadgets, a graffiti artist left a curious message for Brownlee on his front doorstep, and Joel did not pay six dollars to dink around on an iPhone Stylophone.

Beschizza was outraged that breaking a web site's terms of service has been made a crime. Elecom finally made a waterproof SD card. Joel lusted after a Poulsen kit that will turn any car into a hybrid. Meanwhile, Beschizza spent all morning as a paranoiac, obsessing over the spy messages in number signals.

Circuit City's bankruptcy fire sale is not extending to their fire extinguishers. Nokia finally unveiled their flip-up QWERTY touchscreen, the N97.

Brownlee was surprised by how nice gadgetry looks in the aesthetic of oriental pottery and looked like an idiot wondering about when Apple was going to sell their premium in-ear headphones when they had just that moment gone on sale. The FCC leaked the Sony's new netbook,

There was a strange halved keyboard from Japan. Fujitsu offered a free laptop replacement every three years to their customers. Some cool junkbots were on display, and Palm blames the economy for their plummeting revenue when the truth is more obvious.

Finally, the game of Operation finally meets lockpicking. And John slathers his face in moist gobs of MomSpit.


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