Creative Commons is running a study on what "non-commercial" means to different people — creators, remixers, corporations, webmasters, and so on. Many of us give out our works under Creative Commons "non-commercial" licenses (I do!), but there's a lot of disagreement about where the boundary between commercial and non-commercial lies. Your contribution to the survey will help Creative Commons refine this border and come up with something that we can all point to when a disagreement arises.
As previously announced, Creative Commons is studying how people understand the term "noncommercial use". At this stage of research, we are reaching out to the Creative Commons community and to anyone else interested in public copyright licenses – would you please take a few minutes to participate in our study by responding to this questionnaire? Your response will be anonymous – we won't collect any personal information that could reveal your identity.
Because we want to reach as many people as possible, this is an open access poll, meaning the survey is open to anyone who chooses to respond. We hope you will help us publicize the poll by reposting this announcement and forwarding this link to others you think might be interested. The questionnaire will remain online through December 7 or until we are overwhelmed with responses – so please let us hear from you soon!
Non-Commercial study questionnaire