Boing Boing

Steampunk Second Life machinima — drop-dead gorgeous

Wagner James Au sez, "This is machinima of the Bogon Flux, a beautifully ugly, totally strange, self-assembling, self-destructing, steampunky city comprised of rusty pipes and metal chambers. It's located in the post-apocalyptic Wasteland area of Second Life, so the filmmaker used 'London 2026,' a customized version of SL's atmosphere renderer which literally turns the air into dusty sepia. (At least from the machinima maker's point of view.)"

Man, this is the first SL machinima I've seen that crosses the line from "extremely promising" to "Holy crap!"

Mescaline's View: Watch "Pipedream", and Get the WindLight Preset It Was Made In

(Thanks, James!)

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