Boing Boing

Today at <em>Boing Boing Gadgets</em>


Today at Boing Boing Gadgets, we found an old copy of Ladybird books' How Computers Work, but we're not sure it's from this universe.

British advertising regulators banned a Dyson ad they had already cleared and which they agreed was accurate. Psion finally realized that its "Netbook" trademark is slipping through its fingers.

Joel found a flat HDMI cable you can embed in drywall, John spotted a surreal Windows ad from Japan, and Rob beheld Sony's new not-a-netbook — or maybe the case it comes in.

Apple's PC market share slipped due to the netbook revolution, a Fry's exec got collared on embezzlement charges, and artists designed bizarre cars for the future.

Don't miss Joel and the BBTV folks' awesome CES preview vid: Tell us how you want us to cover it.

Oh, yes. Merry Xmas (Or whatever!)

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