Boing Boing

Akribos XXIV DaVinci Skeleton Steampunk Watch


John Brownlee's mom gave him the Akribos XXIV DaVinci Skeleton Watch as a gift. He was thrilled, and posts his appreciation of the timepiece over at Boing Boing Gadgets. From Brownlee's post:

I hesitate to call it steampunk, through the degradation of the term by people like me, but my attempts at describing it otherwise only end up being laughably convoluted loop-de-loops around the term. It reminds me very strongly of Disneyland Paris' Space Mountain aesthetic, which is furnished after the spaceship design of Verne's De la Terre à la Lune… all burnished brass and exposed copper cogwork. But, of course, that's all very steampunk too.

Regardless, I am in love with the watch…

Akribos XXIV DaVinci Skeleton Steampunk Watch

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