Boing Boing

Jesse Thorn interviews lead writer for Daily Show and The Colbert Report

Jesse Thorn, host and producer of The Sound of Young America radio show and podcast, interviews Ben Karlin, the lead writer for The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. It was fun to see what Jesse's office looks like, since he produces the show in his living room.

From the home studio of "America's Sweetheart" Jesse Thorne, meet the comedic guru Ben Karlin. In this interview for Jesse's show, The Sound of Young America, Karlin tells us how he went from making peanuts as The Onion's Chief Editor to becoming an eight-time Emmy Award winning television writer/producer. Jesse talks to "the man" about being lead writer on The Daily Show and The Colbert Report and his new endeavor as an author of a book called You Too Will Get Crushed which, if we judge by past successes is poised to be the next step to Karlin's total takeover of comic media.

Jesse Thorn interviews lead writer for Daily Show and The Colbert Report

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