Boing Boing

Today at <i>Boing Boing Gadgets</i>


Today on Boing Boing Gadgets we flung ninja star tacks at the walls and listened to the buzz of clockwork bees. A wooden hand lifted an iPhone aloft in defiance. A turtle danced to our music collections and a LOLcat became a subwoofer.

Sanyo announced their newest lineup of Xacti camcorders, while 4Chan invented an incredible scientific device. Coverflow became a useless shelf and Dr. Manhattan filmed the Apollo Moon Landings.

Joel discovered why neatsfoot oil remains liquid at room temperature unlike other animal fats. Brownlee fantasized about riding on a mech robot's junk. We looked at a Golden Throat box from the good old days, and Rob thought the new Robocop should be carbon fire.

There was a thrust-counting cock ring. Cut and paste came to the iPhone. A cute robot danced in a tuxedo. A guy demonstrated his awesome bionic arm while T-Mobile danced in Liverpool. LEGO went crackwhore and druggie. We discovered what a sink of packing peanuts dissolves into.

And these are some bitching robot tattoos.


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