Boing Boing

Cops Talk Funny

BB pal Jess Hemerly has become fascinated with "cop talk" as of late. She's even been practicing the skill in instant messages to me. Yesterday, she found this helpful insider's discussion of "cop talk" in a 2008 article from, the "source for law enforcement." The article, titled "Cops Talk Funny," was written by a law enforcement training expert. The author discusses officers using cop talk on the stand might hurt an officer's credibility. She advises unlearning the language and suggests a fun exercise to help. From

Make up some flash cards. On one side, write a phrase or sentence the way you now talk on the stand. On the other side, write the same phrase in plain English. Have one of your kids work with you with your flash cards. It'll be a nice Hallmark family moment. I'll help you get started.

* He indicated… He said
* I have been employed by… I worked for
* I exited the patrol vehicle… I got out of the car
* I observed… I saw
* I ascertained the location of the residence… I found the house
* I proceeded to the vicinity of… I went to
* I approached the entrance… I went to the door
* The subject approached me… She came up to me
* I apprehended the perpetrator… I arrested the man
* I obtained an item that purported to be an envelope from the individual… I got the envelope from her
* I observed the subject fleeing on foot from the location… I saw him running away

Cops Talk Funny

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